Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright for the Palestinian Center SFA

Intellectual Property Rights:

The Palestinian  SFA is the owner of all intellectual property rights for the educational and training content produced or provided in partnership with the center.

This includes all texts, images, illustrations, graphics, audio, video, and other elements used in the educational and training materials.

Unauthorized use, copying, or distribution of the content in any form is strictly prohibited without obtaining written permission from the Palestinian SFA.


All copyrights belong to the Palestinian Center SFA.

SFA has the right to use, publish, and distribute the educational and training content through appropriate means and on various systems and platforms, whether electronic, paper, or otherwise.

Transferring, republishing, or using the content for any commercial purpose is prohibited without proper attribution to the source and acknowledging the intellectual property and copyright rights belonging to SFA.

Participation and Collaboration:

The Palestinian Center SFA encourages the sharing of educational and training content among learners and trainers, based on the specific participation policies defined by the center.

The use of content in a manner that may harm the reputation of the center or contradict its policies and objectives is strictly prohibited.

This text aims to clarify the intellectual property rights and copyrights associated with the educational and training content produced by the Palestinian Center SFA.  All individuals and entities must cooperate and comply with these policies to ensure the protection of the content and educational materials from unauthorized use, and to preserve intellectual property and copyright rights.